Woman recognized for turning in found cash

Kennebunkport Police Chief Craig Sanford presents Lyman resident Linda McDonald with a Certificate of Recognition. In April, McDonald found a large sum of money while out walking along Ocean Avenue. She turned the money into police, who were able to determine the owner of the cash and return it. Courtesy photo
KENNEBUNKPORT – It is not every day you find a large amount of cash in a small cosmetic bag when you are out walking.
But Linda McDonald, who was walking with her boyfriend on Ocean Avenue one April morning, spied the small vinyl bag sitting on a cement post near a marina. There was a tag on it.
“I said that’s odd,” because it had rained the night before, and the tag was dry, she said. “I thought it was unusual to see something that looked brand new, and there was no one in the area.”
McDonald looked inside, and saw there was quite a bit of money, but no identification, and immediately called Kennebunkport police.
“I said someone has to be frantic about this,” said McDonald.
As it turned out, the bag contained some information and other property that led the police to the owner.
“After a little work, we were able to return the money and property to the owner,” said Kennebunkport Police Chief Craig Sanford. “Having worked in law enforcement for 35-plus years, I can tell you it is rare for large sums of found money to be turned in for return to the owner.”
The bag contained more than $6,000.
McDonald, of Lyman, was recently presented with a Certificate of Recognition, along with a challenge coin and a Kennebunkport police patch.
“It was an honor to recognize Linda for her honor and integrity, but after getting to know Linda it is not surprising,” said Sanford, noting McDonald’s prior career in law enforcement. She had worked in Deerfield and Auburn, New Hampshire, as a police officer and as a special deputy for the city of Manchester on watershed patrol before moving to Maine.
Sanford said the owner was in a personal crisis at the time and the return of the cash and other materials was important to their well-being.
“Thanks again Linda,” said Sanford. “Job well done.”
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