PBC working on makeup dates for FMU, other conference teams | Sports News

Jasmyne May (3) and the Francis Marion University women’s basketball team looks to get back on the court soon. The Peach Belt Conference is working with the schools about makeup dates for games lost due to COVID-19 contact tracing protocols.
FLORENCE, S.C. — The Francis Marion women’s basketball team’s return to the court will be determined by the COVID-19 close-contact tracing protocols all members of the Peach Belt Conference undergo.
How many games the Patriots will be able to make up is yet to be determined as the PBC continues to evaluate the situation and the schedule on a day-to-day basis.
“Every day we get new updates from our member schools and the schedule is changing constantly,” PBC Assistant Commissioner Ken Gerlinger said Wednesday. “I want to say if you look at it, we might have lost about half of our women’s basketball games that we’ve tried to play so far this season. So it’s been pretty difficult.
“But we’re hopeful that we’re past the worst of it in terms of the outbreak and that as teams are able to come back out of quarantine and protocol situations, we’ll be able to get their games rescheduled — as many as we possibly can before we get to our tournament in early March.”
Including Saturday’s postponed matchup at Columbus State, the Patriots (0-4, 0-3 PBC) already have five games that will potentially have to be made up in between their seven regularly scheduled remaining contests.
One possibility is to start scheduling some of the postponed PBC games on Mondays in the coming weeks, Gerlinger said.